Rabu, 12 November 2008

Diabetes Diabetic Diet Low Carb Helps Reduce Blood Pressure

For the type 2 diabetic keeping blood pressures under control is a vital part of their diet plan. In recent studies researchers evaluated how a high carbohydrate and high monounsaturated fat diet affected the blood pressure in patients with type 2 diabetes. After 14 weeks they found that those eating the high carb diet had a modest increase in blood pressure as opposed to those who ate a diet high in monounsaturated fat.

The diet itself was laid out as follows. The high carbohydrate diet consisted of 55 percent of calories from carbohydrates, 30 percent from fat, and 10 percent monounsaturated fat. The monounsaturated diet had it test subjects eating 40 percent of calories form carbs, 45 percent from fats, and 25 percent from monounsaturated fat. Both groups consumed the same amount of calories, just different percentages from the above food types.

The 42 patients in the study consumed each diet for a 6 week period with a break of one week between each test period. After their one week break they were invited to continue with the second part of the diet for 8 more weeks. Eight test subjects continued on the high monosaturated fat diet with thirteen more continuing on the high carbohydrate diet.

After the first 6 week period there was little change in both systolic or diastolic blood pressure (upper and lower blood pressure readings), or in heart rate.

After the final 8 week period though, researchers began to see some changes. Those who ate the high carbohydrate diet began to see systolic pressures 6 point higher and diastolic pressures were 7 points higher. Their heart rates were also higher by about 7 to 8 beats per minute. Contrast this with those patients on the high monounsaturated fat diet whose systolic and diastolic pressure were 3 to 4 points lower at the end of the 14 week period.

This shows that while caloric control is important for the diabetic where those calories come from may be of even more importance. A diabetic diet low carb choice may help type 2 diabetics with blood pressure problems but it is important to discuss any dietary changes with your doctor or nutritionist.

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