Rabu, 12 November 2008

Looking Good at Any Age

American men spend over $20 million yearly on skin care products

, according to industry analysts. Yet ask the typical American male what type of skin he has - what his basis for choosing a skin care product should be - and he is likely to say something like, ‘I think my skin is a little dry,’ or, ‘I guess my skin is oily; I used to break out when I was in my teens.’ If this man's age is 40, his answer shows that he really hasn't been paying as much attention to his skin as he may think.

Your skin is living, changing tissue. It is affected by heredity; by aging; by the state of your health; by the environment you live in, indoors and outside; by the ratio of stress and relaxation in your life; and by the type and amount of food, alcohol, and medication you take in. Just as few men live by the exact same routine month in and month out, your skin also can shift in its needs from one season to the next, one year to another. Just as you are probably not wearing all the same clothes this month as you did a few months or years ago, you may not be correct in thinking you can use the same skin care products throughout every month of the year.

The Cotton-Ball Test

First use this highly visual, simple test to get a general idea of your skin type. To begin, mix up the following tonic: In a blender, combine the juice of one lemon, 1/2 cup of distilled water, 1 teaspoon of olive oil and three ice cubes. Blend till the ice is melted. Then brush your hair off your face and cleanse your skin, using a gentle cleansing lotion rather than soap. Finish by re-cleansing the skin using cotton balls wet with the tonic.

Wait three hours. Wet three clean cotton balls with the tonic. Using a circular motion, gently wipe the first cotton ball across your forehead, the second down your nose, the third across one cheek. If all three come up clean your skin is probably dry; if they're dark, it's oily; if they're slightly soiled, your skin, like most men's, is a combination of the two.

Now that you have a general idea of your skin type, it's time to take a closer look at your skin. Choose a room that is brightly lit (near a window in daylight is ideal; fluorescent light will be least flattering), and have a magnifying mirror handy. Look at your skin's surface. Are there uneven, flaky patches that seem to lift up from the surface? Do you see any red areas or parched-looking areas? These are further signs of dry skin.

Examine your nose. Does it often look shiny within a few hours of cleansing? Do you see tiny blackheads, whiteheads, or skin eruptions? If so, your skin in this area is oily, a common condition even if the rest of your face is dry.

Look at your hairline. Do you see any blemishes, blackheads, tiny bumps, or skin eruptions? These can be caused by excessive use of hair spray, gels, or pomades, or by perspiration or the styling of hair onto your forehead.

Focus for a minute on your chin. Look for bumps under the skin or tiny blackheads. Oily skin can be aggravated by bacteria coming from a telephone receiver or the palm of your hand, two unexpected but frequent causes of breakouts in the chin area.

Do you wear glasses? If you do on an everyday basis, take a closer look at the sides and bridge of your nose, where your glasses touch your skin. If you see tiny eruptions here, you may not be cleaning your glasses often enough - which should be, like your skin, a minimum of twice a day, morning and night. Watch for these signs of skin that is sensitive. Whether your skin is dry, oily, or combination, look out for red blotches, broken capillaries, fine spidery lines, and isolated flakiness.

Skin Types

Be aware that your skin is, in many ways, a road map not merely of your contact with the environment but of your genetic past. Granted, many of us reflect the influences of a ‘melting pot heritage, but there are many remaining influences of our primary genetic pasts. In general, skin can be divided into four major cultural groups: White, Black, Hispanic, and Oriental. Bear in mind that some factors within your category may not apply to you, while you may also have influences from several categories.

White skin

This falls into two basic subgroups: fair (Nordic/British) and olive (Mediterranean). Fair skin is light in color, thin in texture, and highly vulnerable to dryness, broken capillaries, and environmental damage from wind and sun. Olive skin tends to be oilier, more prone to blackheads and, by virtue of its darker pigment, has more natural protection against sunburn and windburn.

Black skin

While its cells contain a higher concentration of pigment (melanin) than white skin, black skin is not-as many blacks erroneously perceive - immune to the hazards of sun-induced aging and skin cancer. Black skin needs protection, although what it may not need is the addition of heavy creams and oils.

A common misconception is that all black skin is oily. While the vast majority of blacks do have skin with a natural tendency to be oily, about five percent actually have extremely dry complexions, which often show up in ashy, gray-looking patches. Many black men with normal or combination skin create over-oily skin by slathering on heavy oil-based lotions each morning.

A common and often painful problem afflicting many black men is ingrown hairs, caused by the tendency of a curly hair to grow back down into the hair follicle rather than straight out of the skin surface. This problem can be exacerbated by shaving and by the mistaken use of home treatments that cause further skin infection rather than serving as a cure.

Hispanic skin

This type of skin is rarely dry, usually combination or oily. Hispanic men who have sensitive skin may find that a diet that reflects their cultural heritage tone that is rich in spicy or fried foods) can aggravate pre-existing skin problems. While Hispanics tend to have olive-toned complexions that tan rather than burn when exposed to sunlight, their skin still needs to be protected from the sun-damaging rays.

Asian skin

This type of skin tends to have a smooth surface that, much like Oriental hair, beautifully reflects the light. What is also common among Orientals, though, is highly sensitive skin. Once it becomes acne - or blemish-prone, it tends to heal very slowly over periods of weeks rather than days. Oriental men may also find during shaving that their skin will succumb to nicks or cuts that also heal more slowly than similar abrasions in their white-skinned counterparts.

The darker your skin, the more you need to be aware of the possibilities of hyper-pigmented (or dark-toned) scarring, and the more careful you must be to avoid self-treatment of acne blemishes. Just as your skin's melanocytes (or pigmenting cells) are better able to rush to the skin surface to protect your skin from sun damage, so too can they rush to protect your skin from other perceived ‘attacks, such as the assault of squeezing or picking at a blemish. The major consequence: unlike a suntan, a pigmented scar will not fade away and, in fact, can grow more obvious over time.

Dry Skin - Causes, Symptoms and Treatment

Ordinary dry skin (xerosis) usually isn't serious, but it can be uncomfortable and unsightly, turning plump cells into shriveled ones and creating fine lines and wrinkles. More serious dry skin conditions, such as the inherited group of disorders called ichthyosis, can sometimes be disfiguring enough to cause psychological distress.

Dry Skin Cause

There is no such a thing as a single cause of any health problem. We can only talk about cofactors, causative agents and life situations that like pieces of puzzle interact with each other, and together promote a chain of events ending with a named set of symptoms and health problems & with Dry Skin.

Excessive bathing, showering or swimming, especially in strongly chlorinated hot or cold water.

Metabolic factors such as an underactive thyroid gland, or excessive weight loss.

Dry skin causes many problems. Cracks, itching, premature wrinkles, dry and unhealthy look and marks of scratches are few of them. If you have no diseases that are making your skin dry, you need to address the reasons that make your skin dry and adopt habits to correct the dryness.

Genes also play a role. If relatives suffer from dry skin, you are more likely to develop the condition. In extreme cases, fish-like scaling of the skin is sometimes seen (ichthyosis).

Dry Skin Symptoms

Skin has a rough and dry texture instead of smooth

Cracks in skin or deep cuts that may bleed which are signs of extremely dry skin.

Most of the symptoms are worst in winter due to low humidity.


In most cases of uncomplicated dry skin, you can make the diagnosis yourself. Begin by examining your normal skin care routine. Do you often take long, hot baths or showers that may be washing away your skin's protective sebum? Do you shower several times a day or scrub your skin surface with harsh soaps? Do you have a job that requires frequent handwashing?


The active ingredient, or drug, in a topical preparation is mixed with an inactive ingredient (vehicle). The vehicle determines the consistency of the product (for example, thick and greasy or light and watery) and whether the active ingredient remains on the surface or penetrates the skin. Depending on the vehicle used, the same drug can be placed in an ointment, cream, lotion, solution, gel, oil, foam, or powder. In addition, many preparations are available in different strengths (concentrations).

This medication is used as a moisturizer to treat or prevent dry, rough, scaly, itchy skin and minor skin irritations (e.g., diaper rash). Emollients are substances that soften and moisturize the skin and decrease itching and flaking. Some products (e.g., zinc oxide, white petrolatum) are used mostly to protect the skin against irritation (e.g., from wetness).

Use as little soap as possible. Limit its use to face, armpits, and genitals if you can. Try mild cleansers like Aveeno or Cetaphil or mild soaps like Neutrogena or Dove.

Easy Home Remedies for Beautiful Skin

Tired and confused with all the cosmetic products in the market? Are you typically at a loss on what to buy to have the best quality that would give your skin the care it deserves? Well, if you are constantly fooled by the hype of those big cosmetic companies who are spending billions of dollars each year to satisfy your quest, then you might consider computing the amount of money that you have spent. How much does each trip to the drugstore cost?

How many bottles of products did you buy that were supposed to cleanse, tone, moisturize, and exfoliate your skin? Does your bureau resemble a hospital medicine cabinet? The truth is, maintaining beautiful skin does not have to be this complicated. There are natural ways to have that beautiful skin you have always longed for in your refrigerator and kitchen. Moreover, they are not as expensive as those bottles of cosmetics that you are so fond of.

Easy Home Remedies
For Beautiful Skin For Every Day Of The Week

#1. You will need one egg, a heaping tablespoon of mayonnaise and a tablespoon of honey. Mix this together thoroughly with a fork and apply sparingly to the skin. Allow this to dry and then wipe off with a warm washcloth.

#2. You will need 1 tbsp. yeast, 1 tbsp. baking soda and 1 tbsp. water. Mix together ingredients and apply on face allowing it to sit for 15 minutes before rinsing it with warm water.

#3. You will need 1 tbsp. of gram flour, 1/4 tsp. orange peel powder, 1 tbsp. beaten yogurt and 1 tsp. olive oil. Mix ingredients well and apply paste on your face and neck allowing it to dry. Rinse with warm water first then cold water.

#4. Slices of cucumbers applied to the eyes refresh and relieve puffiness and they are great cleansers when sliced and rubbed over your face. The same holds true for slices of fresh tomatoes.

#5. You will need one-fourth tsp. of limejuice stir to mix with one tsp. of milk and cucumber juice. Apply on the face and neck and wash off after 14 minutes. This cleanses and purifies pores of skin.

#6. Make a paste by mixing papaya, honey, milk and milk powder. Apply on the face and let sit for a few minutes then wash off.

#7. You will need 1/2 tsp of rose water mixed with 1 tsp of honey. Gently apply to the face. Leave it for about 15-20 minutes and then wash off with tepid water. Honey moisturizes and soothes dry skin, and is gentle enough for daily use.

Really, you do not need to blow your savings just to have beautiful skin. Next time you long for a facial open your fridge and treat yourself to an inexpensive, all-natural, at home salon. Satisfaction guaranteed.

Diabetes Diabetic Diet Low Carb Helps Reduce Blood Pressure

For the type 2 diabetic keeping blood pressures under control is a vital part of their diet plan. In recent studies researchers evaluated how a high carbohydrate and high monounsaturated fat diet affected the blood pressure in patients with type 2 diabetes. After 14 weeks they found that those eating the high carb diet had a modest increase in blood pressure as opposed to those who ate a diet high in monounsaturated fat.

The diet itself was laid out as follows. The high carbohydrate diet consisted of 55 percent of calories from carbohydrates, 30 percent from fat, and 10 percent monounsaturated fat. The monounsaturated diet had it test subjects eating 40 percent of calories form carbs, 45 percent from fats, and 25 percent from monounsaturated fat. Both groups consumed the same amount of calories, just different percentages from the above food types.

The 42 patients in the study consumed each diet for a 6 week period with a break of one week between each test period. After their one week break they were invited to continue with the second part of the diet for 8 more weeks. Eight test subjects continued on the high monosaturated fat diet with thirteen more continuing on the high carbohydrate diet.

After the first 6 week period there was little change in both systolic or diastolic blood pressure (upper and lower blood pressure readings), or in heart rate.

After the final 8 week period though, researchers began to see some changes. Those who ate the high carbohydrate diet began to see systolic pressures 6 point higher and diastolic pressures were 7 points higher. Their heart rates were also higher by about 7 to 8 beats per minute. Contrast this with those patients on the high monounsaturated fat diet whose systolic and diastolic pressure were 3 to 4 points lower at the end of the 14 week period.

This shows that while caloric control is important for the diabetic where those calories come from may be of even more importance. A diabetic diet low carb choice may help type 2 diabetics with blood pressure problems but it is important to discuss any dietary changes with your doctor or nutritionist.

Lose the Fat Diabetic Diet and Exercise Plan

Back in March of 2005 the results of the Diabetes Prevention Program were released by the American Diabetes Association. This study was conducted nationwide at 25 medical centers and tracked thousands of potential diabetics who were given a lose the fat diabetic diet and exercise plan. Everyone in the study group was pre-diabetic, meaning they all suffered from high blood sugar levels that were higher then normal but not in the diabetic range. Half of all people diagnosed with pre-diabetes will eventually become type 2 diabetics if left untreated.

There were two groups of people is this study. One half of the participants were given only dietary recommendations to follow. The other half were given the same diet but were also asked to exercise 5 times a week for at least 30 minutes per day.

The results of this study were unexpected. Those pre-diabetics who exercised along with following the diabetic diet reduced by 58% their risk of developing diabetes. The reason for this was simple; they lost weight because of these lifestyle changes. Researchers found that exercising and losing weight had the direct effect of lowering blood sugar levels to normal, which wasn't thought to be possible.

It is thought that weight loss for those with pre-diabetes helps prevent the onset of diabetes but it also helps to reverse the damage to insulin producing cells caused by obesity. Depending on how much you weigh it was found that losing 5% to 7% of your body weight can make a difference.

The key to this diet is eating healthy foods that not help the pre-diabetic lose weight but also keep the weight off. The American Diabetes Association recommends a daily diet that consists of the following.

* Grain - 6-11 servings per day (Bread, Cereal, Rice, Pasta)
* Vegetables - 3-5 servings per day
* Fruits - 2-4 servings per day
* Milk - 2-3 servings per day
* Meat - 4-6 ounces per day (Meat, eggs, fish, dried beans, nuts and peanut butter)
* Fats, Sweets, Alcohol - Occasional treats

Not only is this diet recommended for diabetes but it is also endorsed by the American Heart Association to help combat the risks for heart disease. This points out how important it is to eat healthy and follow a fat loss diabetic diet and exercise program.

First Aid in Your Home

Over one million children experience accidents in and around the home each year. Falls are the most common causes of accidents with 66,000 youngsters aged between 5 and 14 taken to casualty departments just in the UK alone.

In addition, around 15,000 children are admitted to hospital suffering from burns.

However, Nurse Kathleen McGraw said the statistics aren't as scary as they sound.

"You do have to put it into context, children do tend to be accident prone when they first start to walk and crawl and move around. It is part of the way in which we learn," she said.

So, what should be in your first aid box?

"You may have cuts and bruises to deal with so think of the ages of people who are in your house. A scrape is a scrape whether you're eight months old or 80 years old, the principles remain the same - have things that can cleanse the wound.

Have things that you can treat cuts and bruises with. These are things that will stop wounds from getting infected. Things like antiseptic creams, gels and sprays."

Kathleen says there are many old wives tales regarding how to deal with cuts and burns. She warns to ignore these tales.

"The most dangerous one is probably one of the oldest I've heard about putting butter on burns. No, no, no and many times no. The best thing to do with a burn is to run cold water and run that over the injury for 10 or 15 minutes and then cover it with a cold bandage.

I've been asked an awful lot about putting steaks onto black eyes. Once again this is an old tale and should be avoided. The best thing for bruising is to have a packet of frozen peas in you fridge. It can take away irritation and inflammation. For children have ice lollies in your freezer. If they cut their lip or chip a tooth this will take down the swelling and reduce the pain."

What about pain relief for kids? Kathleen advises: "proper paracetemol medicine is perfectly safe from the age of 3 to 6 months onwards."

So, to sum up, always have a first aid box in your home, and if you use medicine or plasters make sure you top them up when you have used them. There's nothing worse than searching for a plaster only to find that there's none left.

Quit Smoking and Save a Fortune

There are many costs associated with smoking, some are obvious such as the cost of the individual packs or cartons of cigarettes, other costs are hidden, but can still place a drain on your bank account.

The average price of a pack of cigarettes is $4.49. If you smoke just one pack a day, that would cost you $134.70 a month and $1616.40 for an entire year. If you smoke more then one pack a day, then obviously your costs will be higher.

Besides the costs of cigarettes, individuals that smoke have to pay for travel to and from purchasing their cigarettes. With the high costs of gas, this can add up pretty quickly. Smokers must also pay for smoking accessories, such as matches or lighters.

Impulse purchases also cost smokers money, although this isn’t widely recognized or reported. Often times, when smokers go and buy cigarettes, they pick up snacks and drinks while at the store. Five dollars here and there can add up to a lot of money over time.

The treatment of smoke related illness can also make smoking more expensive. Individuals that smoke have higher incidences of cancer, asthma and emphysema. The cost of medications, trips to the doctor’s office and to the hospital can quickly become prohibitive.

Quitting smoking, while extremely beneficial to your health, can also save you a ton of money. The high taxes tacked on to cigarettes make them quite expensive. This “sin” tax shows no signs of slowing down. It is an easy way for local governments to raise money, because the majority of people have no problem penalizing smokers. Besides the actual costs of cigarettes themselves, impulse purchases and the costs associated with smoking related ailments, makes smoking very expensive. Kicking this harmful habit, allows you to get healthier and to save the money that you would normally use for smoking for a better life and future.

There are some very effective methods to help you stop smoking. However, the first and the most important step is for you to be sick and tired enough of smoking that you are ready to do whatever it takes to quit. Money can be a good motivator. Once you have decided to quit, consider nicotine patches, zyban or joining a support group. Your doctor can also be a very good resource to helping you get on the path to living smoke free.

What is the Best Way to Quit Smoking Naturally?

No drugs, without patches, chewing gum or other nicotine-based goods, then I’d like to know the best way to quit smoking naturally? Numerous scientists indicate that people who undergo the challenge to quit smoking without medication literally get into the toughest ordeal of their existence. There are 2 ways this can be achieved. You can either go cold turkey immediately and for all time or you can reduce the nicotine consumption according to a pre-organised game-plan. So, allow us to have a closer look at these two quit smoking naturally ways and see how efficient they end up. Smokers who would like to quit smoking naturally are generally against other replacements or are absolutely unwilling to expose themselves to other symptoms such as dizziness, sleep disorders or headaches that are usually related with them. For the cold turkey as the best way to quit smoking, probability of succeeding are lower and I’ll show you why.

First of all, the best way to quit smoking naturally and progressively it’s worthwhile to form a plan and persist with it by all means. By this I mean that you will need to constantly decrease the amount of cigarettes you smoke a day. In order to quit smoking without medication, you will have to assist your body by other means, making up for the lack of nicotine. For instance, minimize stress, and you won't experience the desire to smoke so often. You can quit smoking naturally by increasing the amount of sweet fruit you eat each day, since reduced nicotine equals reduced sugar in the blood. The fructose you will get from this plan should atone for the depletion of nicotine, without exposing you to overweight risks. Then you may also assist your quit smoking naturally determination by plenty of physical exercises and good body hydration, since this assists you eradicate toxins from the system.

Alternatively if you decide to stop smoking naturally cold turkey, you should better be prepared for some rough times lying ahead. Unless you master yourself very well and stick to your choice to quit smoking, you may not be successful. As well, research show that this method to quit smoking naturally is likely to be distressful for your system since the nicotine redcuction produces a whole range of cravings and is not generally thought of as the best way to quit smoking. The battle to quit smoking naturally will take you through anxiety, depression, increased stress, headaches, sweating, low energy levels, irritability and more. You can reduce the cravings whilst you try to quit smoking naturally, by lots of water, alternative relaxation methods, lots of physical exercises and even quit smoking support groups.

Selasa, 11 November 2008

The Rhythms of Sleep

Unlike the ticking clock swallowed by the crocodile in Peter Pan, however, you’re unlikely to hear it. If you could, though, you’d hear a gushing release of hormones, your pumping heart and bubbling blood pressure

at all time to get you in the right stare for going to sleep or waking up.

Your body clock normally works to a daily 24 hour cycle and controls the release of hormones, blood pressure and heart rate plus when your body wants to go to sleep and wake up. We’re programmed to fall asleep at night, when it’s dark and cooler, and to be awake when it’s light and warmer. Your body clock controls your temperature and sleepiness so that at night your temperature drops as you go to sleep and rises as you wake.

It also makes sure you don’t have inconvenient appetites or needs like going to the toilet or feeling hungry. An overwhelming desire to eat a cheese sandwich at 3am in the morning is certainly going to be disruptive on a regular basis.

You have another drop in temperature and sleepiness around mildly until two in the afternoon. So when you feel like feeling asleep on your computer at work, it’s not necessarily because you stayed up all night watching horror videos it’s just your body clock telling you that a snooze would be nice, thanks you. And the siesta is not just a product of lazy Mediterranean lifestyle it’s encouraged by the control on your brain.
Perfect Timing
The really clever thing is how the body knows what time it is. The key, it seems, is light. In the morning light enters the eye and hits the retina. This travels along nerves and ends up in a part of your brain responsible for regulating your body clock called the suprachiastmatic nucleus (SCN). Here signal are sent to the pineal gland in your brain to stop producing melatonin, the brain’s sleep inducing hormone and to release the get up and go hormone cortisol. In the evening at around 10pm the fading light of the setting sun triggers melatonin to prepare your body for sleep. Once you’re sleep, if suddenly put on a light or to go to the toilet, for instance chances are you’ll have trouble dropping off again. This is because light kickstarts those get up and go hormones, and as far as they’re concerned it’s wake up time.

The average body clock is happiest when you sleep from around 11pm to 7am which is when all the hormones are programmed to be either released or stopped. That said, everyone’s body clock is set slightly differently some run slower or faster than the average.

By studying these clocks, scientists are beginning to understand jet jag, and sleep problem such as insomnia and know on how to treat them. They are looking at the chemicals that govern sleep and making synthetic versions for supplements that in future may be able to help millions of people with sleep disorders. Some studies suggest that the hormone melatonin, give as a supplement at specific times, may be useful for resetting daily rhythms to help overcome the effects of jet lag and sleep disorders.
Insomnia can be affected by many of factors like stress, depression, sickness, drug, and some bad lifestyle. One of the root cause is the partner who sleep beside you was the reason that make you insomnia. For info please visit this article Insomnia Cure Blog,& Natural Insomnia Cure.

Oils, Hot Bath , Aromatherapy Candles – Guaranteed to Get You in the Mood for Bed

Essential oils work on the central nervous system

. When they’re inhaled they effect the mood centers of your brain and when they’re massaged onto your skin, hey enter your bloodstream and cell tissues and are carried to every part of your body. They react with body chemistry in a way that’s similar to drugs but slower and with fewer side effects. A lot of research has shown how oils can have significant effect on our brain activity, alertness and moods. The right oils can relax the mind and body, control stress and relieve pain as well beat insomnia and particularly when combined with massage.

But for a quick and easy way to prepare your body for sleep, you can’t beat an aromatherapy bath just putting calming essential oils into a worm bath about 40 minutes before you go to bed. A fall in temperature is one of the triggers for sleep so you’ll feel all warm and relaxed after 40 minutes later you’ll be already to shut down. You bath should be warm enough to relax aching muscles and ease tension, but not too hot as this will make the oil evaporate more quickly.

The Oils Every Insomnia Should Own

Opt for oils than have a relaxing rather than invigorating aroma. Always dilute essential oils in carrier oil such as sweet almond or grapeseed with the exception of tea tree and lavender as they’ll burn your skin if applied neat. The ideal strength id five to six drop of essential oil to one tablespoon of carrier oil. Always do a patch test before massaging into your skin

  • Geranium – This oil strengthens the adrenal glands which work overtime when you’re stressed. Combine with rosemary for maximum impact. For the best effect, add a few drops to your bath or listen to some music and put some drops in an oil burner.

  • Lavender – It’s the oil most often used for sleep problems as it helps reduce stress, anxiety and depression. Sprinkle a couple of drops on a tissue and inhale or, after a long, hard day put a few drops on your pillow to aid sleep.

  • Frankincense – This oil is greater a aphrodisiac if you want to get in the mood for sex. Have a bath together and add a few drops with sandalwood and hint of jasmine to liven up your libido.

  • Ylang ylang – This is also an aphrodisiac, but a sedative too so if the sex doesn’t relax you the calming properties of this oil will. Add a couple of drops in a vaporizes for a soothing aroma.

  • Chamomile – This calms the central nervous system and induces sleep. It’s also a gentle antidepressant and stress reliever. Add a few drops of the oil to your bath.

Insomnia can be affected by many of factors like stress, depression, sickness, drug, and some bad lifestyle. One of the root cause is the partner who sleep beside you was the reason that make you insomnia. For info please visit this article Insomnia Cure Blog ,& Natural Insomnia Cure.

Treatments That Will Make You Say: Goodbye Hair Loss!

Treatments for hair loss, specifically pattern baldness involves thorough understanding of the hormone dihydrotestosterone (DHT). Among the treatments for this condition are the following:

Topical Agents

Caffein and copper peptides are among those treatments that are applied topically. They are directed over the scalp immediately.

Caffeine has been found to stimulate the growth of hair in in vitro experiments. It also reduces the suppression of follicle growth by testosterone. Some formulations of shampoos include caffeine in order to effectively penetrate the scalp. For its treatment of androgenic alopecia, more research has yet to be done.

Copper peptides were found to shorten the telogen phase, which the resting phase of the growth cycle of hair. This normally results in majority of the hair being in the anagen, or the growing phase of the hair growth cycle.

Minoxidil is also administered topically. This drug was originally designed to treat hypertension because of its vasodilating effects. However, it was found to have the side effect of hair growth. Hence, since the 1980's, topical administration of 2% minodixil has been used to treat baldness.

Ketoconazole is a drug also applied topically on the surface of the skin. It is an antifungal treatment synthetically produced to treat fungal infections on the skin. It is also a 5-α-reductase inhibitor and therefore works as a stimulator of hair growth.

Laser therapy

Low-level lasers directed towards the scalp have been found to stimulate the growth of hair in a process called photo-biostimulation. Hairmax Lasercomb is one product that is thought to act in this manner.


Alopecia areata has been seen to improve when daily scalp massages were done on the head. If done with essential oils, soothing effects on the head are felt.

Hair Cloning

Hair cloning has been expected to successfully treat baldness with the use of stem cells that have the capability to become hair follicles. A company in Manchester called Intercytex has been successful in culturing hair from the nape, growing them and implanting them in the scalp. Public availability of this technology can be achieved by 2010.

Hair Transplants

Hair transplantation is a surgical method of transferring hair from the donor areas of the body such as the nape or back to that person's bald areas. These hair transplants can grow for a long time since they are resistant to baldness. Hair transplants are made to mimic the natural structure of hair follicle groupings, which is 1 follicle: 1-4 hair strands.


This drug is more popularly known as Propeciaor Proscar and is classified as an aza-steroid. Finasteride was originally marketed as a treatment to benign prostatic hyperplasia. It works as an effective treatment to baldness because it prevents the production of the enzyme called 5-α-reductase. This enzyme converts the testosterone in the body into DHT.
Finasteride is not recommended to be taken by pregnant women because it has been known to produce defects in fetal male. This drug is more prescribed to men than in women as it has been thought to be ineffective in women. However, this claim has been refuted and recently, it has been used a treatment for women as well.

It is important to remember that a consultation with the doctor is still the best solution to this problem.

How Much do You Know About Hair Loss?

Hair loss is most commonly known as baldness. It is the condition of losing hair, most conspicuously on the head. Angrogenetic alopecia, otherwise known as male-pattern baldness is the most famous hair loss problem among men.

Normally, hair at the telogen phase falls off. Normal amount of hair fall is 25-100. When hair fall exceeds the normal, the condition is already hair loss leading to baldness.

Male Baldness

Male pattern baldness or angrogenetic alopecia is the most popular type of baldness, especially among males. This is characterized by a receding hairline. The usual onset is at 25 years, although receding hairline in teen is commonplace. This condition is an inherited trait.

Males with male pattern baldness have lower levels of testosterone as compared to normal males. And they also have higher levels of androgen, specifically dihydrotestosterone (DHT).

Female Baldness

Female pattern baldness usually has more than one cause. The most likely cause of baldness in women is same as in men: androgenetic alopecia. The usual course of hair loss in women begins at the age 50 but can occur as early as 20 especially when puberty started early. In contrast to the receding hairline in men, female pattern baldness is characterized by a diffuse hair thinning of the entire scalp.

Unlike men, other types of baldness occur in women. Trichotillomania results from compulsive pulling of hair strands. This condition results in a patchy appearance since hair pulling tends to concentrate in a particular area.

Triangular alopecia can also occur in women. In this case, hairs in the temporal regions are lost. It usually begins in childhood. The cause for this is unknown but can be corrected medically.

Scarring alopecia is typical of African-American women who often have tight braids or corn-rows in the scalp. This usually inflames the hair follicles and subsequently producing scars that result to hair loss.
Telogen effluvium happens when a large portion of the hair growth shifts to the telogen or the resting phase of the hair cycle. Usually, this condition happens after childbirth or after a chemotherapy session.

Alopecia Areata

Alopecia areata is a disorder that can occur in both men and women. This is an autoimmune disease, wherein body cells attack the hair follicles resulting to hair loss. Alopecia areata starts as spot-baldness, where certain areas of the hair are lost.

The condition can evolve to alopecia areata totalis, wherein all the head hair is lost. And it can also become alopecia areata universalis, wherein all hair in the body including the pubic hair, is lost.


Hair loss can be a result of a variety of causes. Common hair loss is stress-related. Stress can be brought about by personal, social, and even medical problems like diseases.

Problems in the body's circulating hormones can be a cause of hair loss too. Hyperthyroidism or hypothyroidism has the same effect of hair loss in humans. Hormones like androgen and estrogen also cause hair loss in both men and women. Hormonal problems need to be corrected to prevent hair loss.
Certain medications also cause hair loss. Anticoagulants or blood thinners, chemotherapeutic drugs, gout medication, downers, birth control pills and excess Vitamin A are among those which can cause hair loss.
Fungal and parasitic infection of the scalp can also cause hair loss. Hair loss in this case is indirect. Infections can cause itching, and some scratches can cause scarring on the scalp which will contribute to hair loss.